
Securisation of its API with Oauth2.0 protocol and authentication via external providers like Linkedin.

01. Project details

Before opening its API to their users, they needed to secure it so that only authenticated external applications could access the API and do actions depending on their access scope.

I set up for that a Oauth2.0 service provider in Rails. External applications like Salesforce can now hook up Tilkee API into their own system.

The second part of the mission was to make the registration and login processes as easy as possible using external providers like Linkedin or Google apps.

If users have their google or Linkedin accounts associated, they can get authenticated in the application without having to enter any login credentials.

02. Technologies and tools

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Oauth2.0 protocol
  • Doorkeeper gem
  • Linkedin API
  • Google API
  • Facebook API
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