
Ecological and innovative delivery logistics solution offered by individuals.

  • Category : Transport, Logistics, Sharing economy
  • Period : 2019 - 2023
  • Tags : Ruby on Rails
  • Website :

01. Project details

This application allows individual drivers to connect with people looking for a shipping service. The popularity of this French start-up is increasing, making them the leader on the market.

The back end is done in Ruby on Rails. My mission is to develop the API to communicate with the front-end application, design the code and data structure, and to implement new features. The goal is to create a clean, robust code that can scale easily, but still being readable. The application is fully tested with Rspec.

02. Technologies and tools

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Elastic search
  • Sidekiq
  • Postresql Database
  • React front end framework
  • Heroku hosting solution
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